10 events found.
Christmas Spirit Dragsteer Roping (after service)
1 Ridin' The River Cowboy Fellowship 5767 State Highway 173N, Bandera, TX, United States$40 added money divided between top placing individuals showing Christmas spirit
Women’s Bible Study 7:00AM and 9:00AM
RRCF Fellowship Hall 5767 State Highway 173N, Bandera, TX, United StatesMens Bible Study Wednesday 9:00AM
1 Ridin' The River Cowboy Fellowship 5767 State Highway 173N, Bandera, TX, United StatesMens Bible Study Wednesday 9:00AM
Bible Study & Dinner 6:30PM Mexican Food Night
RRCF Fellowship Hall 5767 State Highway 173N, Bandera, TX, United StatesMexican Food Night Beef Tacos with All the Fixings Beans Rice Salad
Men’s Bible Study 6:30AM
RRCF Fellowship Hall 5767 State Highway 173N, Bandera, TX, United StatesWomen’s Bible Study 7:00AM and 9:00AM
RRCF Fellowship Hall 5767 State Highway 173N, Bandera, TX, United StatesCandle Light Christmas Eve Service 6:30PM
1 Ridin' The River Cowboy Fellowship 5767 State Highway 173N, Bandera, TX, United StatesCandle Light Christmas Eve Service 6:30PM